The National Research Council of Canada Industrial Research Assistance Program (NRC IRAP) offers a range of services to accelerate the growth of Canadian small and medium-sized enterprises.

The main goal of the IP Assist program is to provide a comprehensive set of IP advisory services and funding.

Key Objectives

Increase IP awareness among Canadian SMEs.

Help businesses develop a customized IP strategy aligned with their business goals.

Provide funding and support to assist businesses in executing their IP strategies.

Benefits and Support​

IP Assist offers three levels of support:

Level 1: IP Awareness – Provides access to advisors, resources, and partner organizations to help businesses better understand IP and its importance.

Level 2: IP Strategy – Offers connections to IP experts to assist businesses in developing a tailored IP strategy, including analysis of technology, business, and IP landscapes.

Level 3: IP Action – Provides funding to execute the actions prioritized in the business’s IP strategy, helping transform innovation into valuable assets.

Eligibility Criteria


Businesses must be Canadian SMEs with 500 or fewer full-time equivalent employees.


The company must be incorporated and for-profit.


The business should have a focus on developing and commercializing innovative technology-driven products, services, or processes within Canada.

Application Process

To access NRC IRAP’s resources, founders need to become IRAP clients and, once the screening process is concluded, they will be assigned an ITA (Industrial Technology Advisor)

Initial contact is made through NRC IRAP by calling 1-877-994-4727.

Following the assignment of your ITA, entrepreneurs will be working with them for all IRAP programs, including the IP Assist.

Resources & Support

Further information about the program can be found in our blog post.

If you are interested in learning more about the IP Assist  program, please feel free to connect with us at  We’ll be happy to help you develop and implement an IP strategy tailored to your specific needs and future plans for your business.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What type of funding does the NRC IRAP IP Assist program offer?

The program offers expert advice and funding for businesses to increase their IP awareness and develop or implement an IP strategy. There are no conditions for applying, and intake is open year-round.

2. Which industries are eligible for NRC IRAP IP Assist?

The program is available for a wide range of industries, including professional, scientific, and technical services.

3. What expenses are covered by the funding?

Eligible expenses includes Costs related to developing and implementing an IP strategy, and access to IP experts for advice and strategy development.

4. How do I apply for the NRC IRAP IP Assist program?

If are already IRAP Client, Just reach out your Industrial Technology Advisor (ITA) to discuss your eligibility and apply for the program.

5. How much funding can I receive for my IP strategy?

Funding amounts vary by project depending on the scope of the project.

6. Does this program support IP protection or filing for patents and trademarks outside Canada?

Yes, the program supports Canadian businesses looking to expand internationally.